Inspiradas en los diferentes tonos de piel, Huda Beauty ha lanzado Nude Obsessions, una colección de tres mini paletas de sombras que podemos encontrar en las gamas Light, Medium y Rich. Cada una contiene nueve sombras con acabados brillo y mate que se complementarán a la perfección con tu tono de piel.
Inspired by the different skin tones, Huda Beauty has launched Nude Obsessions, a collection with three mini eyeshadow palettes that we could find in Light, Medium and Rich versions. Each one contains nine eyeshadows with shinny and matte finish that will compliment your skin tone.
Inspired by the different skin tones, Huda Beauty has launched Nude Obsessions, a collection with three mini eyeshadow palettes that we could find in Light, Medium and Rich versions. Each one contains nine eyeshadows with shinny and matte finish that will compliment your skin tone.